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Wednesday, 4 May 2011


This is the question most often asked by men about themselves. They are confused as why they are drawn to that male appendage attached to that beautiful , sexy body and feminine face. This is just my thought and opinion and in no way should define who you  are.
NO, I don’t think you are gay when you are attracted to a tgirl. If, the only thing you do is give head. I think a  tgirl needs to be satisfied in sex and the only way to reach that satisfaction is through her penis. She needs to climax and orgasm, and as a partner  you need to meet that by giving her head or the least a hand job. BUT, if you bottom (i.e. gets the ass treatment) then that somehow tells me you’re gay or maybe bisexual. I don’t find it sexually stimulating or gratifying to get behind a man and pound his ass.
Although a lot of tgirls do top (i.e. gives the ass treatment) , it’s just for business. I have talked to a lot of them and they prefer their boyfriends just be the top in the relationship.  Confusing isn’t it? I know but these girls just needs to satisfy their clients but at the end of the day they want someone straight and masculine to  steer  the  motion on bed. Being feminine and ladylike in all forms and style, a tgirl need not be reminded that she has that male intuition in her by GIVING the ass treatment to a boyfriend.
If you are confident in your sexuality then I salute you. If you like tgirls and enjoy the things that go along with it and at night before finally resting your body to slumber, you feel STRAIGHT as an arrow, then you are STRAIGHT. Just don’t say ``hey I`m straight `` and then bend over and slap your assh*le with lubricant, to me that doesn`t say STRAIGHT at all.
Live life to the fullest. Enjoy it while you can, life is short. Don`t let labels dictate your way of living. Just live your life the way you want it to be. Be happy. And be strong. J

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